I'm really starting to like this blogging thing. I get to say whatever I please and get to imagine other people actually interested in reading it.
I spent my morning babysitting my nephew, Kace. He is the most beautiful baby I have ever seen and I promise I'm not just saying that because he's my family. He's perfect. But we all know what comes with being beautiful... being high maintenance and that he most certainly is. He has got to be among the crustiest of babies. It is because of this I have realized in the past 6 months that I am far from ready to be a mom. Not that I had any intentions of having babies right now, but it has certainly been made clear to me that at this point, I'm simply not cut out for it.
I spent a good hour trying to get Kace to go to sleep. He was doing the whole "I'm tired but instead of going to sleep, I'm just going to cry about it." We looked out the window, went for a walk, watched tv, played with his tractor, played with my hand, rocked in the rocking chair, listened to some tunes, bounced, and cried (well he did that one on his own) numerous times in that hour before he finally fell asleep. Of course the dogs had to bark an hour later and wake the little guy up! Ugghhh I don't even like Barry (or daisy for that matter, Donkey is okay sometimes but as soon as I smell his breath, I'm not his biggest fan either)!
I definitely love Kace and can't wait to have babies one day... but that one day is a great many days in the future! For now, I'll just continue spending too much money on the most beautiful baby in the world! So Kace, you'd better not complain about not having any more cousins from me for a long time because I'll just blame you :P
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