Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I have recently learned what it means to be fearless.

I have learned it is possible to have your life turned completely upside down and carry on. I have learned that even when your health turns it back on you, your spirit can prevail. I have learned that when the one you love is afraid and runs away from you, you can stand up and walk forward. I am so thankful to have learned these things from a person I admire for many reasons.

You can't control cancer. You can't control people. Just like you can't control the weather, so forget trying to control these things. Be brave enough to accept this.

Being brave doesn't mean you can't cry. It doesn't mean you can't be angry or frustrated or spiteful. Bravery, to me, is the courage to accept these emotions and fulfill their need to be expressed so that you can move on. We have all been given emotions for a reason. We needn't be afraid to show them.

She has taught me what no fear really means.

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